Source code for streamlit_custom_components

import traceback
import random
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd

from primertool.logger import init_logger

logger = init_logger(level=logging.ERROR, save_to="primertool.log")

widget_id = iter(random.sample(range(1, sys.maxsize), 1000))

[docs]def kuerzel_check(input_kuerzel: str) -> str: """Checks if the input initials are not empty and displays a warning toast if they are. Args: input_kuerzel (str): The input initials. Returns: str: The input initials. """ if not input_kuerzel: st.toast(":orange[Don't forget to enter your initials]") input_kuerzel = None return input_kuerzel
[docs]def generate_primers(generator_function: callable, *args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame or Exception: """Generates primers using the given generator function and its arguments and keyword arguments. Args: generator_function (callable): The primer generator function. *args: The arguments for the primer generator function. **kwargs: The keyword arguments for the primer generator function. Raises: Exception: If the primer generation fails. Returns: pd.DataFrame or Exception: The order table of the generated primers or an exception if the primer generation fails. """ with st.spinner('Generating primers...'): try: return generator_function(*args, **kwargs).ordertable except Exception as e: logger.error(f"{traceback.format_exc()}") st.error(e) with st.expander("Advanced error information"): st.exception(e)
[docs]def feedback(message: str, start: datetime, df_ordertable: pd.DataFrame = None) -> None: """Displays a success message, the order table and the run time of the primer generation process. Args: message (str): The success message to display. start (datetime): The start time of the primer generation process. df_ordertable (pd.DataFrame, optional): The order table to display. Defaults to None. Returns: None """ if df_ordertable is not None: st.success(message) st.dataframe(df_ordertable) runtime = - start'Run time: {runtime.total_seconds():.2f} seconds')